HI FRIEND! I'm Brooks

I run this joint. Well, honestly I tell my mom what to do by wagging my tail and giving her a brown eyed stare, and then I nap. She works, I nap. Pretty good deal for the Chief Napper, eh?


I love pina coladas and getting caught in the rain… Oh wait, this isn’t karaoke…

Treats. I love treats. And rolling in the grass. And the snow. And treats. Did I mention treats? Oh, and I love all the dogs and all the people. Enough about me, tell me about you! Can we please be friends??

Hey, I'm Gibbs

To be totally honest, I am the cool one. My sister (above…) will tell you that I am a goofball, but who are we kidding, look at that picture. Pure cool.

So sister says she loves treats? Yeah, I’d say that’s pretty accurate. She loves treats about as much as I love tennis balls. And frisbees. And shoes. OH and stuffies. I love destroying a good stuffie.

You say you want to be friends? I will admit that I’m a little more picky than my sister, I gotta put you through some tests to make sure you won’t steal my toys. If you pass we can definitely be friends though.  My role?  I’m Chief Goofball.  What can I say, sister is in charge around these parts.

Also, will you accept this rose?

This is Mom

She tells us that her name is Jess, but we are unsure what that means. We call her mom, or "Lady Who Provides Snacks". Sometimes she tells us that we need to get jobs, but we think that we work hard enough.

Wake up, eat, go to the park, nap, do it all again.

Most of the day mom is at a desk working on this medium sized screen, but she also spends a lot of time pointing this small rectangular device at us while she takes something called "pictures". She tries to show us, but we don't care and won't look unless there is snack involved.

Clearly mom needs to do a better job at providing more snacks.